Work is the Curse of the Drinking Class

Beer, Labor and Class in Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt


  • Jason R. Kennedy Lyon College



Beer, Labor, Uruk Mesopotamia, Predynastic Egypt, Commensality


The archaeology of beer has received significant attention in the last three decades. However, many studies focus on the special role that beer played in sumptuous prestige feasts and for conducting commensal politics, with an emphasis on elite motivations. In this paper, I view the production of beer as a cornerstone of state exploitation in the early states of Egypt and Mesopotamia. I will briefly outline the archaeological and glyptic evidence for beer production in the early historic periods of the ancient Near East, and its role in providing for the workforce of the early state. The consumption of beer as payment for state-sponsored labor projects changes the commensal dynamics of society. Repeatedly consuming daily rations of beer at the location of labor creates an identity as worker and subject; that is, as one who works for someone else for their subsistence. In this sense, beer may have been crucial in creating class identity for the worker, as well as providing the means of control for the elites in society who organized its production and distribution.

Author Biography

  • Jason R. Kennedy, Lyon College

    Jason Kennedy received his PhD in Anthropology from Binghamton University in 2019. He is currently a visiting assistant professor of Anthropology at Lyon College and a graduate student in the Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences at Central Michigan University. His research interests include the role of food and drink in early centralized institutions, ceramic use alteration analysis, and GIS and satellite remote sensing applications in archaeology and the broader social sciences.


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How to Cite

Kennedy, J. R. (2023). Work is the Curse of the Drinking Class: Beer, Labor and Class in Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. Archaeology of Food and Foodways, 1(2), 103-122.