London Taverns and the Dawn of the Restaurant Age


  • Blake Perkins Independent Scholar Author



restaurant history, London, taverns, public house, English cuisine, English food in France, The London Tavern, Dickens, culinary celebrities, late 18th-century, John Farley, architecture, assemblies, social history, Richard Dolby, cooking techniques, 19th-century, cookbook history, Tatched House Tavern, Turtle soup


This essay provides a history and insight into the major establishments and owners of London taverns, identifying many misconceptions about public dining in Britain in the 18th century.

Author Biography

  • Blake Perkins, Independent Scholar

    Blake Perkins spends a lot of time in Rhode Island where he writes quarterly posts at This is the latest of a number of contributions to PPC.


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Gilly Lehmann, The British Housewife: Cookery Books, Cooking and Society in Eighteenth Century Britain (Totners, Devon 2003).

Paul Levy, ‘The Mobile Guide: The First Restaurant,’ The Wall Street Journal (21 July 1989).

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How to Cite

London Taverns and the Dawn of the Restaurant Age. (2021). Petits Propos Culinaires, 85-109.