Developing a dictionary culture through integrated dictionary pedagogy in the outer texts of South African school dictionaries: the case of 'Oxford Bilingual School Dictionary: IsiXhosa and English'


  • Dion Nkomo Rhodes University



Outer texts, Dictionary pedagogy, Dictionary culture, Educational policy on dictionary use, Integrated dictionary pedagogy


The challenges posed by a poor societal dictionary culture and an inability of school curricula or teachers to integrate dictionary pedagogy in the everyday teaching and learning activities compel lexicographers to integrate dictionary pedagogy in the outer texts of school dictionaries. This is done through design features that encourage learners to appreciate the educational value of dictionaries while facilitating efficient and optimum use of the dictionaries. This article discusses the state of societal dictionary culture and dictionary pedagogy in South Africa. In spite of the acknowledged poor dictionary culture, it is shown that the school curriculum provides sufficient space for dictionary use as part of everyday teaching and learning as well as the nurturing of dictionary skills. Without delving deeper into how teachers respond to these educational policy provisions on dictionaries, which warrants a separate comprehensive study, the article demonstrates how the recently published Oxford Bilingual School Dictionary: IsiXhosa and English (De Schryver et al. 2014), typifies school dictionaries in which lexicographers go beyond addressing learners’ educational needs regarding language and other school subjects to integrate dictionary pedagogy that may prove beneficial in the long-term development of dictionary skills and dictionary culture. This is particularly evident in the study of selected outer texts. However, the success of these endeavours depends on whether the target users use dictionaries in the first place, which still makes the role of teachers indispensable.


Dictionaries: print dictionaries

De Schryver, G.-M., et al. 2007. Oxford Bilingual School Dictionary: Northern Sotho and English. Cape Town: Oxford University Press Southern Africa.

De Schryver, G.-M., et al. 2014. Oxford Bilingual School Dictionary: IsiXhosa and English. Cape Town: Oxford University Press Southern Africa.

Fischer, A., et al. 1985. Oxford English-Xhosa Dictionary. Cape Town: Oxford University Press Southern Africa.

Hartmann, R.R.K., and G. James. 1998. Dictionary of lexicography. London: Routledge.

Kropf, A. 1899. A Kafir-English Dictionary. Alice: Lovedale.

Mini, B.M., et al. 2001. The Greater Dictionary of isiXhosa, vol. 2. Pietermaritzburg: Nutrend Publishers.

Pahl, H.W., et al. 1989. The Greater Dictionary of Xhosa, vol. 3. Pietermaritzburg: Nutrend Publishers.

Tshabe, S.L., et al. 2006. The Greater Dictionary of isiXhosa, vol. 1. Pietermaritzburg: Nutrend Publishers.

Electronic dictionary

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online. Accessed 10 Mar 2015.

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How to Cite

Nkomo, D. (2015). Developing a dictionary culture through integrated dictionary pedagogy in the outer texts of South African school dictionaries: the case of ’Oxford Bilingual School Dictionary: IsiXhosa and English’. Lexicography, 2(1), 71-99.