Face and face practices in Chinese talk-in-interaction: A study in interactional pragmatics. By Wei-Lin Melody Chang


  • He Yang Xiamen University, China and University of Aberdeen Author




Intercultural communication, Discourse analysis, interactional pragmatics


Face and face practices in Chinese talk-in-interaction: A study in interactional pragmaticsWei-Lin Melody Chang (2015)Sheffield: Equinox. Pp. 171ISBN 978-1-78179-134-9 (hbk)

Author Biography

  • He Yang, Xiamen University, China and University of Aberdeen
    He Yang, Xiamen University, China and King's College, School of Language and Literature, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom.


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How to Cite

Yang, H. (2018). Face and face practices in Chinese talk-in-interaction: A study in interactional pragmatics. By Wei-Lin Melody Chang. Sociolinguistic Studies, 12(1), 109-112. https://doi.org/10.1558/sols.31477