Community and space in Italian sociolinguistics. The experience of the Linguistic Atlas of Sicily (Atlante Linguistico della Sicilia – ALS)


  • Mari D’Agostino Università di Palermo Author
  • Giuseppe Paternostro Università di Palermo Author
  • Vincenzo Pinello Università di Palermo Author





Our paper focuses on the notions of ‘space’ and ‘community’ within the most recent developments of Italian sociolinguistics. This research area has roots in the tradition of Italian geolinguistic studies and has been enhanced by other research traditions. In fact, Italian sociolinguistics has reused the relationship between ‘community’ and ‘space’ investigated in the early 20th century by Benvenuto Terracini’s (1886--1968) seminal studies on ‘minimal linguistic point’ (‘punto linguistico minimo’) and on ‘community of speakers’. Since the Seventies and, with more weight, in the last decades, some important contributions coming from scholars such as Alberto Sobrero, Tullio Telmon and Giovanni Ruffino returned to Terracini’s issues, intertwining them with the approaches of variationist sociolinguistics. More recently models viewing community and space as contextualized discourse practices have been elaborated. In the most productive way, the Linguistic Atlas of Sicily (Atlante Linguistico della Sicilia, ALS) project uses the notions of ‘community’ and ‘space’ as they have been developed in the Italian geo- and sociolinguistic tradition. For more than twenty years, ALS has been exploring the Sicilian speaker’s language use, carrying out an innovative project. In this paper both theoretical assumptions and achievements of the ALS project will be discussed.

Author Biographies

  • Mari D’Agostino, Università di Palermo
    Università di Palermo, Italy
  • Giuseppe Paternostro, Università di Palermo
    Researcher, Department of Humanities, Università di Palermo, Italy
  • Vincenzo Pinello, Università di Palermo
    Università di Palermo, Italy


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How to Cite

D’Agostino, M., Paternostro, G., & Pinello, V. (2018). Community and space in Italian sociolinguistics. The experience of the Linguistic Atlas of Sicily (Atlante Linguistico della Sicilia – ALS). Sociolinguistic Studies, 11(2-3-4), 341-364.