Enoncés de type OV et positionnements sociaux dans l’espagnol parlé par les Quichuas équatoriens à Cali (Colombie) [OV constructions and stance in the Spanish spoken by Ecuadorian Quichuas in Cali (Columbia)]


  • Santiago Sánchez Moreano CNRS/INALCO/IRD Author




OV constructions, Andean Spanish, Ecuadorian Quichuas, Cali-Colombia, social interaction, stance


Members of the indigenous Quichuan minority population living in Cali within an asymmetrical contact setting usually make use of linguistic marked elements from two varieties of Spanish which they speak: Andean Spanish and Spanish from Cali. One of these marked linguistic elements is OV syntactic constructions, highly frequent in Andean Spanish. A sequential conversation analysis shows that when Quichuas in Cali interact with someone outside the group, they may express differentiation through the use of OV constructions. Construed as a social positioning, this differentiation takes place in an act of stance (Du Bois 2002, 2007; Jaffe 2009; Johnstone 2009; Kiesling 2011) which arises with an evaluation of a referent in the discourse situation by a speaker, then triggers a social positioning that finally leads to a disalignment vis-à-vis another speaker. This article discusses the social effects of linguistic marked forms such as OV constructions in an understudied area (Cali, Colombia) within a field of research (Spanish-Quichua contact) that usually focuses on contact issues from a typological perspective.

Author Biography

  • Santiago Sánchez Moreano, CNRS/INALCO/IRD
    Santiago Sanchez Moreano is a postdoctoral fellow at LABEX Efl Axe 3 LC1, ‘Multifactorial analysis of language changes’, a scientific program of the joint research center (UMR) 8202 Structure et Dynamique des des Langues (SeDyLCNRS/INALCO/IRD). He also works as a Spanish lecturer at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris. He holds a PhD in Linguistics.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Moreano, S. (2017). Enoncés de type OV et positionnements sociaux dans l’espagnol parlé par les Quichuas équatoriens à Cali (Colombie) [OV constructions and stance in the Spanish spoken by Ecuadorian Quichuas in Cali (Columbia)]. Sociolinguistic Studies, 11(1), 65-105. https://doi.org/10.1558/sols.30850