Thank you for dying for our country: Commemorative texts and performances in Jerusalem Chaim Noy (2015) Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press ISBN: 978-0-19-939897-3. Pp. 304


  • Vesa Koskela University of Turku Author



multimodality, identity, museum, performance, ideology

Author Biography

  • Vesa Koskela, University of Turku
    Doctoral candidate, School of Language and Translation Studies


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How to Cite

Koskela, V. (2017). Thank you for dying for our country: Commemorative texts and performances in Jerusalem Chaim Noy (2015) Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press ISBN: 978-0-19-939897-3. Pp. 304. Sociolinguistic Studies, 10(4), 657–660.