Street remarks to women in five countries and four languages: Impositions of engagement and intimacy
street remarks, catcalls, street harassment, speech acts, cross-cultural, piropos, Peru, Colombia, United States, Italy, EgyptAbstract
In this paper I analyze the remarks men make to passing young women on the street in 134 naturally occurring encounters that were video recorded in 2013 and 2014 across ?ve countries and four languages and posted on the internet. I categorize these remarks in terms of the speech acts they contain, showing the most common acts, in descending order of frequency, to be addressing, greeting, expressing astonishment or admiration, summoning, and asking rhetorical questions. In immediate interactional terms, the great majority of the men’s actions are thus oriented to constituting what Goffman (1963) called a ‘focused interaction’, a face-to-face engagement with a common focus of attention. The very ordinariness of these acts in terms of content and surface meaning – they are not vulgar or explicitly threatening – may explain why defenders of street remarks regularly draw attention to seemingly benign referential or speech act content, e.g., ‘He was just saying “Hi”’ or ‘He was just giving her a compliment’. At another level, however, street remarks impose intimacy on passing strangers, thus ?outing the normative conventions for interaction through which we manage social and personal risk and establish trust. Women targeted by street remarks treat them as breaches by not responding to them. The very ordinariness of the language in the street remarks documented, along with the relative dif?culty of articulating the implicit social conventions that they breach, may veil their harm and indirectly contribute to the perpetuation of male domination of women in public spaces.References
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Herbert, R. K. (1990) Sex-based differences in compliment behavior. Language in society 19(2): 201–224.
Hewison, A. (1995) Nurses’ power in interactions with patients. Journal of advanced nursing 21(1): 75–82.
Holmes, J. (1988) Paying compliments: A sex-preferential politeness strategy. Journal of Pragmatics 12(4): 445–465.
Kissling, E. A. (1991) Street harassment: The language of sexual terrorism. Discourse and Society 2(4): 451–460.
Malinowski, B. (1923) The problem of meaning in primitive languages. InC. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards (eds) The meaning of meaning 296–336. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World.
Manes, J. and Wolfson, N. (1981) The compliment formula. In F. Coulmas (ed.) Conversational routine: Explorations in standardized communication situations and prepatterned speech 115–132. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Nelson, G. L., Al Batal, M. and El Bakary, W. (2002) Directness vs. indirectness: Egyptian Arabic and US English communication style. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 26(1): 39–57.
Sacks, H. (1975) Everyone has to lie. InM. Sanches and B. G. Blount (eds) Sociocultural dimensions of language use 57–80. New York: Academic Press.
Schegloff, E. (1968) Sequencing in conversational openings. American Anthropologist 70(6): 1075–1095.
Searle, J. (1969) Speech acts: An essay in the philosophy of language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Searle, J. and Vanderveken, D. (1985) Foundations of illocutionary logic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tuerkheimer, D. (1997) Street harassment as sexual subordination: The phenomenology of gender-speci?c harm. Wisconsin Women’s Law Journal 12:1–33.
Wolfson, N. and Manes, J. (1979) Don’t dear me. Working Papers in Sociolinguistics 53. Austin, TX: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.
How to Cite
Bailey, B. (2017). Street remarks to women in five countries and four languages: Impositions of engagement and intimacy. Sociolinguistic Studies, 10(4), 589–609.