Discourse in f(r)iction. Production and reception of gender roles discourse in an audio-visual text about piropos


  • Germán Canale Carnegie Mellon University (US) Author




social media, discourse, gendered practice, piropos, multimodal analysis, appraisal, Montevideo (Uruguay)


This paper studies the constraints the audience – and also producers – ?nd when attempting to deconstruct a traditional gendered practice (piropos) in a recent ?ctional clip that depicts this practice in an unconventional way, with women as the performers. The production of the clip is analyzed using multimodal discourse analysis tools to explore how the audiovisual text (re)produces speci?c gender(ed) meanings at the interplay of several semiotic resources. The reception of the clip is analyzed with the aid of the appraisal model, to study how participants in three focus groups (female, male and mixed) interactively co-construct meanings to evaluate the clip, the producers, the narrative and even the piropos depicted. The discussion centers on three aspects evaluated by participants: the genre/purpose of the text, its open ending or the lack of an explicit moral, and the mismatch between ?ction and social reality.

Author Biography

  • Germán Canale, Carnegie Mellon University (US)
    Germán Canale is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Linguistics (FHUCE, Universidad de la República, Uruguay) and Researcher at the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación, Uruguay). He is also a PhD (cand.) in Second Language Acquisition at Carnegie Mellon University, United States. His research interests are: mass media discourse, multimodal critical discourse studies and language policies. In particular, he is interested in the analysis of the production, circulation and reception of social meanings and representations in mass media texts.


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How to Cite

Canale, G. (2017). Discourse in f(r)iction. Production and reception of gender roles discourse in an audio-visual text about piropos. Sociolinguistic Studies, 10(4), 529–562. https://doi.org/10.1558/sols.26736