Plurilingual corpora and polylanguaging, where corpus linguistics meets contact linguistics


  • Isabelle Léglise CNRS, SeDyL Author
  • Sophie Alby Université de la Guyane Author



Multilingualism, Plurilingual Corpora, Language contact, Corpus annotation


Language contact and multilingualism issues are addressed by such diverse research traditions that we consider corpora and data exchange as good ways to make these traditions speak to one another. In this paper, we describe a methodology for detailed analysis of heterogeneous corpora which can be used to take into account both sychronic phenomena (linguistic variation and instances of polylanguaging or code switching) and diachronic phenomena. We point out the epistemological questions that arise in the analysis of plurilingual data and discuss the choices made with respect to the current norms and standards followed in corpus linguistics with a view to providing multi-factoral explanations in the field of language contact and multilingualism. We rely here on the methodology developed in the research project CLAPOTY.

Author Biographies

  • Isabelle Léglise, CNRS, SeDyL
    Isabelle Léglise is Senior Researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) where she runs programmes on Multilingualism, Language Variation, and Contact at the SeDyL (Structure et Dynamique des Langues) Research Lab she is heading. Her research projects in French Guiana, Suriname, and Brazil address multilingualism and language policy related to migration, education, and health. She has published widely on multilingualism, language variation, discourse analysis, and language policy in postcolonial settings. Her most recent publications include Exploring Language in a Multilingual Context: Variation, Interaction and Ideology in language documentation (2013, Cambridge University Press) with B. Migge, and the co-editing of books such as The Interplay of Variation and Change in Contact Settings (2013, John Benjamins) or In and Out of Suriname: Language Mobility and Identity (2015, Brill).
  • Sophie Alby, Université de la Guyane
    Sophie Alby is Associate Professor in the University of French Guiana. She is member of the SeDyL (CNRS-IRD-INALCO). Her research interests are in synchronic language contact focusing on multilingual contexts, and language and education with respect to lesser-used languages in French Guiana. Her most recent publications include ‘Kali’na NP’s in contact: Variation or linguistic change?’ to be published in STUF-Language typology and universals (de Gruyter); ‘Multilingualism as a resource for teaching and learning in French Guiana’ (2016, with I. Léglise) in The multilingual edge of education. London: Palgrave Macmillan; ‘Code switching. Alternances et mélanges codiques’ (2013), in Sociolinguistique du contact. Dictionnaire des termes et concepts. Lyon: ENS.


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How to Cite

Léglise, I., & Alby, S. (2017). Plurilingual corpora and polylanguaging, where corpus linguistics meets contact linguistics. Sociolinguistic Studies, 10(3), 357-381.