Processes and practices of enregisterment of business English, participation and power in a multilingual workplace


  • Tiina Räisänen Jyväskylä University Author



business English, enregisterment, repertoire, interactional sociolinguistics, role


The aim of this paper is to investigate micro-level processes and practices involved in “a progressive phase of enregisterment” of business English in an interaction in a multilingual workplace context. Enregisterment refers to a social process through which the form and values of a repertoire are being recognized as distinctive from the rest of the language (Agha, 2007). Drawing on recent sociolinguistic and linguistic anthropological insights into language as repertoire in the context of globalization, this paper is a case study of a Finnish engineer’s repertoire and practices in a multilingual meeting. With a novel application of enregisterment to the study of business practices, this paper contributes to current research in both sociolinguistics and business English by arguing that the achievement of shared understanding in business is not a matter of overall proficiency in English but of an overall competence to use particular, context-specific bits of a communicative repertoire, which consists of language, gestures and other resources.

Author Biography

  • Tiina Räisänen, Jyväskylä University
    Tiina Räisänen is a junior researcher at the Department of Languages at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Her research focuses on the construction of professional repertoires and individuals’ trajectories of socialization to global working life. Recent publications include Dangerous Multilingualism: Northern Perspectives on Order, Purity and Normality (ed. Blommaert, J., S. Leppänen, P. Pahta and T. Räisänen; Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), and, in the same volume, ‘Discourses of Proficiency and Normality – Endangering Aspects of English in an Individual’s Biography of Language Use’. She has also published in International Journal of Applied Linguistics and Journal of Business Communication. Research for this article has been supported by the Research Unit for the Study of Variation, Contacts and Change in English (VARIENG) at the University of Helsinki and University of Jyväskylä, funded by the Academy of Finland as part of its national Centre of Excellence program (2006 2011), and the Finnish doctoral program for language studies (LANGNET).



How to Cite

Räisänen, T. (2013). Processes and practices of enregisterment of business English, participation and power in a multilingual workplace. Sociolinguistic Studies, 6(2), 309-331.