Darija in the Moroccan press

The case of the magazine Nichane


  • Jan Hoogland Radboud University Author




Darija, Nichane, Morocco, diglossia, Modern Standard Arabic


Darija, the Arabic colloquial of Morocco, and basically a spoken language, has gone through major emancipation processes since 2002. An illustration of this process is the magazine Nichane that appeared between September 2006 and September 2010 and that published articles in different measures in written Darija. This article presents an analysis of Darija as it is used in the magazine, relating the results to the current emancipation processes of this same language.

Author Biography

  • Jan Hoogland, Radboud University

    Jan Hoogland is lecturer of Arabic at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. He is founder (2006) and former director (2009–2015) of the Netherlands’ Academic Institute (NIMAR) in Rabat, Morocco. His research focuses on the position of Moroccan Arabic in Moroccan society and lexicography of Moroccan Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic (MSA).


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How to Cite

Hoogland, J. (2019). Darija in the Moroccan press: The case of the magazine Nichane. Sociolinguistic Studies, 12(2), 273-293. https://doi.org/10.1558/sols.35567