The stance of the Royal Academy of Morocco towards the sociolinguistic context of the country following the 2011 Constitution


  • Laura Gago Gómez University of Salamanca Author



Standard Arabic, Darija, Amazigh, French, Royal Academy of Morocco, identity, arabicization, monoglot ideology


The purpose of this article is to portray and comment on the stance of the Royal Academy of Morocco towards the sociolinguistic context of the country following the 2011 Constitution in its publication of 2013. The analysis of the Royal Academy’s discourse dissects the institution’s stance regarding each linguistic variety in the Moroccan linguistic landscape, and the strategies employed to build its position. The analysis eventually demonstrates the underlying ideology that supports the Royal Academy’s stance.

Author Biography

  • Laura Gago Gómez, University of Salamanca

    Laura Gago Gómez (PhD) is Assistant Professor in the Arabic and Islamic Studies Department of the University of Salamanca (Spain). Her main research interests are: Arabic Dialectology, Sociolinguistics, Lexicostatistics Lexicography and Arabic for non-native speakers.


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How to Cite

Gago Gómez, L. (2019). The stance of the Royal Academy of Morocco towards the sociolinguistic context of the country following the 2011 Constitution. Sociolinguistic Studies, 12(2), 251-272.