Arabic kinship terms revisited

The rural and urban context of North-Western Morocco


  • Amina Naciri-Azzouz University of Zaragoza Author



Kinship terms, terms of address, variation, dialectology, Moroccan Arabic (Darija)


This article reports on a study that focuses on the different kinship terms collected in several places in north-western Morocco, using elicitation and interviews conducted between March 2014 and June 2015 with several dozens of informants aged between 8 and 80. The analysed data include terms from the urban contexts of the city of Tetouan, but most of them were gathered in rural locations: the small village of Bni ?lu (Fahs-Anjra province) and different places throughout the coastal and inland regions of Ghomara (Chefchaouen province). The corpus consists of terms of address, terms of reference and some hypocoristic and affective terms.

Author Biography

  • Amina Naciri-Azzouz, University of Zaragoza
    Amina Naciri-Azzouz is a PhD candidate at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). She received her Bachelor’s degree in Arabic Philology (2006--2011) from the Complutense University (Madrid, Spain). She is currently working on the description of the Ghomara Arabic varieties (north-western Morocco) in a context of linguistic change in progress.


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How to Cite

Naciri-Azzouz, A. (2019). Arabic kinship terms revisited: The rural and urban context of North-Western Morocco. Sociolinguistic Studies, 12(2), 185-208.