‘We don’t need another Afrikaans’. Adequation and distinction in South-African and Flemish language policies


  • Jürgen Jaspers Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) Author
  • Michael Meeuwis Ghent University Author




adequation, distinction, Afrikaans, Dutch, Flemish, language ideology


It has long been recognised that the similarity or difference between ways of speaking and their possible institutionalisation as ‘languages’ is an ideological matter, a matter of social opinions, rather than one of objective systemic relatedness. This paper emphasises that such language ideologies in any society are always to some extent competitive, that such lack of consensus is not a temporary stage in between moments of shared opinion but a fundamental aspect of the social life of language, and that the expansion or decline of particular sociolinguistic opinions is interactive with cultural changes, metacultural discourses, as well as political agendas. We argue this through a discussion of the valorisation and countervalorisation of linguistic practices in Flanders (Belgium) and South Africa. Drawing attention to discrepancies between articulated and embodied ideologies, we suggest it is the complex interaction of language ideologies with other factors, rather than the mechanical outcome of linguistic conditions, that drove the eventual recognition of Afrikaans in South Africa and the continuing absence of such a process with respect to ‘Flemish’ in Flanders.

Author Biographies

  • Jürgen Jaspers, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

    Jürgen Jaspers is associate professor of Dutch linguistics at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium. His research interests are in ethnographic sociolinguistics and linguistic standardisation processes in Belgium. Recent publications include articles in AILA Review, Annual Review of Anthropology, Language & Communication and various chapters in edited volumes.

  • Michael Meeuwis, Ghent University

    Michael Meeuwis is Professor at the Department of African Languages and Cultures at Ghent University. He is the author of various works on the history of language politics in African colonial settings, as well as on contemporary sociolinguistic issues in both Central and Southern Africa. His updated bibliography can be consulted at https://biblio. ugent.be/person/801001653606.


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How to Cite

Jaspers, J., & Meeuwis, M. (2019). ‘We don’t need another Afrikaans’. Adequation and distinction in South-African and Flemish language policies. Sociolinguistic Studies, 12(3-4), 419-438. https://doi.org/10.1558/sols.32703