Oye, ¿qué onda con mi dinero?

An analysis of heritage speaker complaints


  • Derrin Pinto University of Saint Thomas Author
  • Richard Raschio University of Saint Thomas Author




complaints, pragmatics, speech acts, heritage speakers


The objective of this study is to broaden the focus of pragmatic research to include the speech act of complaints produced by heritage speakers of Spanish. In addition to being a face-threatening act, the diverse ways in which complaints are expressed makes them a rich source for investigating how language use can vary across speech communities. Although there has been some research concerning contexts of intercultural communication, the pragmatic proficiency of heritage speakers of Spanish in the United States is an area that merits further investigation. In order to examine heritage speaker complaints, this study compares data from the following three groups: Mexican native speakers of Spanish (22), native speakers of English (40), and heritage speakers of Spanish (21). The heritage speakers and English native speakers in this study were undergraduate students at a large public university in California, while the native speakers of Spanish were university students in Mexico. All the participants completed an on-line Discourse Completion Test that included three complaint scenarios.

Author Biographies

  • Derrin Pinto, University of Saint Thomas
    Derrin Pinto, Ph.D in Spanish Linguistics (University of California, Davis), enjoys carrying out research in the areas of interlanguage and cross-cultural pragmatics, as well as SLA and discourse analysis. He has published articles in journals such as Hispania, Spanish in Context, International Journal of Bilingualism and Discourse & Society.
  • Richard Raschio, University of Saint Thomas
    Richard Raschio, Ph.D. in SLA (University of Minnesota), specializes in the development of materials and methodologies to improve the role in language learning of computer materials and study abroad programs. His interest in pragmatics derives from observations of utterances employed by heritage speakers during community-based learning opportunities. His most recent publications appear in the journals Hispania and International Journal of Bilingualism.


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How to Cite

Pinto, D., & Raschio, R. (2008). Oye, ¿qué onda con mi dinero? An analysis of heritage speaker complaints. Sociolinguistic Studies, 2(2), 221-249. https://doi.org/10.1558/sols.v2i2.221