Valorising minority languages through public policies

Risks and limitations


  • Philippe Hambye Université catholique de Louvain Author
  • Jean-Louis Siroux Université catholique de Louvain Author



language policies, linguistic minorities, identity, school, immigration


In this paper, we propose to take a sociolinguistic and sociological look at policies aiming to introduce immigrants’ languages in school curriculum in Belgium, in a way to give value to the identity of migrant communities. We present first diverse arguments claiming for the recognition of these languages in the educational field. Then we put under scrutiny the social processes grounding the relation between a language and one’s identity. Our reasoning stems from a double questioning: is their language a core value for all minority groups? If it is the case, Which kind of value language valorization policies may attribute to these languages and to their users? While underlying the necessity to improve the socioeconomical and sociolinguistic situation of migrant communities, we try to show that the conditions of a real transformation of the linguistic hierarchy cannot be reduced to the conditions of their symbolic recognition.


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How to Cite

Hambye, P., & Siroux, J.-L. (2008). Valorising minority languages through public policies: Risks and limitations. Sociolinguistic Studies, 1(2), 217-239.