'Transcultural voices: Narrating Hip Hop culture in complex Delhi' Jaspal Naveel Singh (2021)


  • Katy Highet University of the West of Scotland Author




book review, Transcultural voices, Jaspal Naveel Singh


Transcultural voices: Narrating Hip Hop culture in complex Delhi
Jaspal Naveel Singh (2021)
Bristol: Multilingual Matters. Pp. 328
ISBN: 9781800413818 (pbk)
ISBN: 9781788928137 (hbk)
ISBN: 9781788928144 (eBook)
ISBN: 9781788928151 (EPUB)


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How to Cite

Highet, K. (2023). ’Transcultural voices: Narrating Hip Hop culture in complex Delhi’ Jaspal Naveel Singh (2021). Sociolinguistic Studies, 17(1-3), 295-299. https://doi.org/10.1558/sols.24311