A different kind of branding

Bolsonaro’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic and a brand-new Brazil


  • Daniel N Silva Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Author




Bolsonaro, Covid-19, necropolitics, country branding, critical sociolinguistics, Brazil


This article argues that Jair Bolsonaro’s handling of Covid-19 in Brazil was consistent with his ‘different kind of branding.’ Contrary to the expectations of marketing experts and place branding scholars, Bolsonaro’s branding tactics were predicated not on portraying Brazil positively to commoditize it to (trans)national audiences but on producing the image of Brazil as a white conservative Christian country through maintaining epistemic and informational crises, delegitimizing expert systems, and engaging in necropolitical calculation. Methodologically, to describe the ‘brand-new’ Brazil projected in Bolsonaro’s presidency (2019–2022), I build three case studies centering on the boycott of Covid-19 vaccines, his strategy of letting the virus spread freely in favor of a supposed herd immunity, and the ‘shadow board’ that helped him build a necropolitical strategy. I suggest that Bolsonaro’s ‘chaotic’ branding project harnessed features of currently existing neoliberalism, including informational entropy, the digital production of ‘alternative facts’, entrepreneurial ethos, the delegitimization of expert systems, and the association between free market and political conservatism.

Author Biography

  • Daniel N Silva, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    Daniel N. Silva teaches applied linguistics and pragmatics at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. He researches language, politics, violence, and hope in Rio de Janeiro favelas. His work problematizes the mediatization of violence in Brazil by looking at alternative communicable models in empirical loci of resistance. In 2021, with Jerry Lee, he published ‘Marielle, presente: Metaleptic temporality and the enregisterment of hope’ in the Journal of Sociolinguistics. They are working on a manuscript about language as hope for Cambridge University Press. Also in 2021, with Jacob Mey, he edited The Pragmatics of Adaptability (John Benjamins).


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How to Cite

Silva, D. N. (2023). A different kind of branding: Bolsonaro’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic and a brand-new Brazil. Sociolinguistic Studies, 16(4), 461–483. https://doi.org/10.1558/sols.23525