
Nostalgia and modernity in South Delhi’s linguistic landscape


  • Kate Lyons University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Author
  • Farzad Karimzad Salisbury University Author



linguistic landscapes, chronotopes, commodification, South Delhi, nostalgia, globalization


This paper explores the processes through which visceral experience is cultivated, packaged and commodi?ed in the Linguistic Landscape (LL) of South Delhi, India. We engage the theoretical concept of cultural chronotopes (Agha, 2007a) to demonstrate how spatially and temporally entwined experiences of nostalgia and modernity are produced in South Delhi’s commercial LL, and show how such positioning serves to compress or ?atten such experiences for ready consumption (Kockelman, 2006). Focusing on particularized chronotopes tied to a privileged and elite experience, imagination and aspiration, we highlight how discourses of the ‘ideal’ are reproduced and positioned as visceral through speci?c references or semiotic arrangements. In so doing, we discuss the quanti?cation of experience executed by these signs in commodifying the visceral, and the problematic way these instances propagate an idealized, sanitized and simpli?ed understanding of Indian rural communities, Indian history and Indian traditional practices.

Author Biographies

  • Kate Lyons, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Kate Lyons is a PhD in Linguistics currently working as a Linguistics Data Analytics Manager at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States. Her research interests include the semiotics of social media and study of Linguistic Landscapes.

  • Farzad Karimzad, Salisbury University

    Farzad Karimzad is an assistant professor of Applied Linguistics at Salisbury University, United States. He specializes in sociolinguistics, and his recent work has appeared in the Journal of Sociolinguistics, International Multilingual Research Journal, and Language in Society.


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How to Cite

Lyons, K., & Karimzad, F. (2019). Chronotopeography: Nostalgia and modernity in South Delhi’s linguistic landscape. Sociolinguistic Studies, 13(1), 83-105.