The historical development of the informational technologies and their repercussions on language social research


  • Miguel Ángel Sobrino Blanco Universidad Complutense de Madrid Author



Sociolinguistics, scientific research, social sciences, computer science, telematics, artificial intelligence


This contribution approaches the topic of the relations between the technological change and the transformation of the practices of production of scientific knowledge. The contrast between the present situation and the scenaries of the scientific research in past decades allows to make critical considerations about the scientific use of the informational technologies and their repercussions on the productive practices of the researcher. The question of the historical retroalimentation between technological innovation and the progress of the linguistic knowledge allows to illustrate the impact of this technologies into the scientific activity and to approach some problems a researcher must face at present when using them. It is described some of the scientific uses of the present technologies. The prospective analysis allows to identify a tendency towards the progressive automatization of the processes of knowledge production.

The eventuality of a scenary of automatized production of scientific knowledge as a consequence of the socialization of ´intelligent´ technologies justifies, in conclusion, some reflections about the epistemological problems that this automatization creates for the social research; some problems which, by extension, have an effect on sociolinguists.


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How to Cite

Blanco, M. Ángel S. (2002). The historical development of the informational technologies and their repercussions on language social research. Sociolinguistic Studies, 3(1), 155-183.