Valores del léxico en el discurso informativo

enfoque crítico


  • Francisco Fernández García Universidad de Jaén Author



discourse analysis, news discourse, lexicon, meaning, reference, denotation, connotation


This paper analyzes the operation of lexical-referential mechanisms in news media discourse. It develops the idea that lexical elements differing at meaning level (from subtle pragmatic difference to denotative opposition) can be used, in context, as equivalent for the reference to the same reality. This fact has important consequences in the perception of the referred facts on the part of the discursive receiver. It is also shown the importance of the presence of certain lexical elements in discourse that, by themselves, can work by means of stimulus that condition the interpretation of the whole discourse. It becomes evident, through a careful analysis of the matter, that what sometimes seems a mere stylistic option can condition the construction of meaning to a large extent. The functionality of these mechanisms in the complex framework of speech is illustrated by the comparative analysis of the same news
item in three Spanish television channels.


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How to Cite

García, F. F. (2005). Valores del léxico en el discurso informativo: enfoque crítico. Sociolinguistic Studies, 6(2), 219-241.