Para um modelo do “code-switching” e a alternância de variedades como fenómenos distintos

dados do discurso galego-português/espanhol na Galiza


  • Celso Alvarez Cáccamo Universidade da Coruña Author



code-switching (CS), alternation of speech varieties (AL), interactional analysis


In this paper, a model is outlined for the interactional analysis of code-switching (CS) as a communicative phenomenon separate from the alternation of speech varieties (AL, alternancia linguística) which is a purely structural phenomenon. Communicative codes are viewed as general mechanisms to manifest intentions at several levels of discourse organization. A given communicative code mobilizes and organizes sets of both linguistic and non-linguistic contextualization signals. A switch of communicative codes, or CS, is therefore a detectable recontextualization strategy by which contrasting sets of varied signals are deployed. CS may or may not involve AL, as language alternations may or may not be interactionally significant in terms of signalling intentions. The interplay between CS and language alternation results in four possibilities: (1) CS with AL (CSconAL); (2) AL without CS (ALsenCS); (3) CS without AL (CSsenAL); and (4) neither CS nor AL (NinCSninAL). The first three possibilities are examined and illustrated through the interactional analysis of two cases of Galizan-Portuguese/Spanish public discourse from two television programs. Finally, it is proposed that an interactional approach to CS must steer away from preconceived notions about languages in contact and their supposed, respective signalling values.


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How to Cite

Cáccamo, C. A. (2000). Para um modelo do “code-switching” e a alternância de variedades como fenómenos distintos: dados do discurso galego-português/espanhol na Galiza. Sociolinguistic Studies, 1(1), 111-128.