Linguistic attitudes in Aragon

A school view


  • Ángel Huguet Canalís Universitat de Lleida Author
  • Cecilio Lapresta Rey Universitat de Lleida Author



Aragon, linguistic attitudes, L1/L2/L3, curriculum


The study of the linguistic attitudes has been considered a key element when we pretend to guarantee the success of any proposal of treatment of the languages in the school. In spite of it, in the case of Aragon (Spain), where three languages are spoken along the territory, the practical non-existence research in this way is only coherent with the lack of determination that the topic has been traditionally treaty. In this context, taking as a reference school children in Compulsory Secondary Education, our goal is twofold: 1) to describe the attitudes towards the languages in contact (Aragonese, Castilian-Spanish and Catalan), as well as the two foreign languages who are more present in the school curriculum (French and English), and 2) to analyze the incidence of some of the main factors that determine those attitudes. The heterogeneity among the linguistic areas in Aragon derived from our data, should take to a deep reflection about the future actions to undertake in the schools located in those that have been considered the classical linguistic Aragonese territories: the Aragonese speaking area, the Castilian-Spanish speaking area ant the Catalan speaking area.


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How to Cite

Huguet Canalís, Ángel, & Lapresta Rey, C. . (2007). Linguistic attitudes in Aragon: A school view. Sociolinguistic Studies, 7(2), 265-288.