From in group to out group in the speeches of the arabized group of Central Morocco


  • Saïd Bennis Université Cadi Ayyad Author



epilinguistic speech, Béni-Mellal, Arabised, Amazighs, in group, out group, linguistic territory, tribal membership


This paper deals with the analysis of the epilinguistic speech of the arabized group of Central Morocco. The speech concerns the positioning and qualifiers allotted to the involved languages. The interpretation of these speeches was elaborated on the basis of the assumption stipulating that the Arabised representations of the languages and groups of their surrounding are controlled by two contradictory tendencies: the “in group” and the “out group” tendencies. The first shows in the speech anchored in a territory, the place of origin, and attached to the lect of the group of membership the second appears in that of the people opening on the other: both its language and territory.


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How to Cite

Bennis, S. (2007). From in group to out group in the speeches of the arabized group of Central Morocco. Sociolinguistic Studies, 7(2), 197-216.