A Uniform Acquisitional Path for Linguistic Recursion

Evidence from the Acquisition of Mandarin Chinese DeP Recursion


  • Tiaoyuan Mao Beijing Foreign Studies University Author
  • Xiangyu Chang Beijing Foreign Studies University Author




recursion acquisition, developmental path, Chinese DeP recursion, Chinese-speaking children


While children’s acquisition of recursion has drawn extensive attention in the field, there is less research offering proper evidence for the uniform developmental path of linguistic recursion. To address this issue cross-linguistically, this study examines how 84 Mandarin-speaking children aged between three and six comprehend two to four-level DeP recursion through a pointing task. The results reveal that two and three-level DeP recursion is successfully generated by four-year-old children first, and then five-year-old children fully master four-level DeP recursion. The findings are consistent with the developmental route-map of Japanese children’s acquisition of recursive possessives. Meanwhile, the analysis shows that the biological maturation of the recursive mechanism and the enhancement of computational efficiency of the linguistic mechanism mainly account for the step-by-step development.

Author Biographies

  • Tiaoyuan Mao, Beijing Foreign Studies University

    Tiaoyuan Mao is a full professor of linguistics at Beijing Foreign Studies University. He received his doctoral degree from the same university and conducted postdoctoral research on morphosyntax at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mao’s research focuses on biolinguistics, with interests in syntax, semantics-pragmatics interface, language acquisition, philosophy of language, language disorders, and neural representation of linguistic computations. He has led several research projects sponsored by the National Social Science Fund, the Ministry of Education of the PRC, and other provincial social science funds in China. Mao has published articles in various journals, including Language, Intercultural Pragmatics, Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, Journal of Linguistics, and Language and Linguistics.

  • Xiangyu Chang, Beijing Foreign Studies University

    Xiangyu Chang is a doctoral student in linguistics at Beijing Foreign Studies University. Her main research interests are language acquisition and syntax under Biolinguistics, as well as neuromodulation. She has published articles in Acta Linguistica Academica, Journal of PLA Foreign Language University, and PNAS.


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How to Cite

Mao, T., & Chang, X. (2023). A Uniform Acquisitional Path for Linguistic Recursion: Evidence from the Acquisition of Mandarin Chinese DeP Recursion. Researching and Teaching Chinese As a Foreign Language, 4(1), 24-40. https://doi.org/10.1558/rtcfl.26394