Children’s cooperation in a number activity in kindergarten


  • Tuva Schanke Norwegian University of Science and Technology



school-preparation activities, number activity, cooperation, semiotic resource, stance-taking


Norwegian kindergartens organize school-preparation activities for five- and six-year-old children. Prior studies have mainly focused on the distribution and content of preparatory activities, whereas there is less research about children’s perspectives and contributions. Video data was collected in a Norwegian kindergarten over a seven-month period, and the paper analyses how children cooperate and use verbal, non-verbal and material resources in an outdoor activity focused on numbers and counting. The children share knowledge about numbers and the rules of the activity, and they show strong willingness to include each other in the activity. The main implication for practice is that children at this age are in possession of quite advanced cooperative skills and capable of managing a number activity.

Author Biography

  • Tuva Schanke, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

    Tuva Schanke is an associate professor at the Department of Teacher Education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Schanke has written about everyday life in kindergarten, educational transitions and entrepreneurship education. Her PhD project explored how kindergarten children take part in, interact and contribute to school-preparation activities, and how this preparation was related to activities in first grade.


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How to Cite

Schanke, T. . (2021). Children’s cooperation in a number activity in kindergarten. Research on Children and Social Interaction, 4(2), 267–291.