Referring to past actions in caregiver–child interaction in Japanese


  • Tomoyo Takagi University of Tsukuba



caregiver–child interaction, reference to past actions, conversation analysis, co-construction of telling


In naturally occurring everyday caregiver–child interaction, a major part of what is hearable as storytelling or an incipient form of it is talk about participants’ (mostly children’s) past experiences. Adopting a conversation-analytic approach, this study attempts to show how explicit references to children’s past actions formulated in the form of [(X) did (Y)], where X is the young child interacting with the caregiver, can engender opportunities for participants to develop telling activities. Through the detailed analysis of talk and embodied features of telling sequences in each case, the analysis will reveal how the [(X) did (Y)]-format utterance is utilized for co-constructing the telling, and what social and interactional consequences are accomplished through the telling occasioned by such reference.

Author Biography

  • Tomoyo Takagi, University of Tsukuba

    Tomoyo Takagi is an associate professor in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Tsukuba in Japan. Her research interests focus on participants’ practices for accomplishing social actions and intersubjective understanding. She has published papers and book chapters both home and abroad in the area of conversation analysis of Japanese ordinary conversation, caregiver–child interaction, communication disorders and medical interaction. She has co-authored Basics of Conversation Analysis (2016, Hitsuzi Shobo) with

    Yuri Hosoda and Emi Morita.


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How to Cite

Takagi, T. (2019). Referring to past actions in caregiver–child interaction in Japanese. Research on Children and Social Interaction, 3(1-2), 92-118.