Punk Portugal, 1977–2012

A preliminary genealogy


  • Paula Guerra University of Porto Author
  • Andy Bennett Griffith University Author




punk, Portugal, history, scene, music, style


In this article, we discuss the emergence and development of punk in Portugal since the final years of the 1970s, its relationship to the social structure of Portugal over the last four decades and to the cultural and symbolic manifestations of Portuguese urban popular cultures. It is a preliminary genealogy that situates the Portuguese punk scene in a broader, global context, without overlooking the specificities that originated through its appropriation of a non-Anglo-Saxon context and a society located in Southern Europe—therefore, importance is stressed throughout the article in maintaining a global-local perspective. The theoretical basis of the article applies perspectives drawn from post-subcultural theory, notably the concept of scene which is used to conceptualize the localization of punk in Portugal and its appropriation of various styles and images associated with different eras of punk since the 1970s. The article uses ethnographic data, specifically data generated through interviews with key actors in the Portuguese punk scene spanning an age range of 23 to 57 years old and from different geographical locations in the country. Overall, 20 key interviews were conducted between 2013 and 2015.

Author Biographies

  • Paula Guerra, University of Porto

    Paula Guerra is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Porto and a researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the same university. She is an Adjunct Associate Professor of the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research. Paula is the founder and coordinator of the KISMIF project, the co-coordinator of the KISMIF International Conference and founder and coordinator of Network All the Arts. She co-authored the edited book DIY Cultures and Underground Music Scenes (Routledge, 2018) and Punk, Fanzines and DIY Cultures in a Global World. Fast, Furious and Xerox (Palgrave, 2020).

  • Andy Bennett, Griffith University

    Andy Bennett is Professor of Cultural Sociology in the School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science at Griffith University in Queensland, Australia. He has written and edited numerous books including Popular Music and Youth Culture, Music, Style and Aging and Music Scenes (co-edited with Richard A. Peterson). He is a Faculty Fellow of the Yale Center for Cultural Sociology, an International Research Fellow of the Finnish Youth Research Network and co-convenor of the biennial KISMIF conference dedicated to DIY cultures.


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How to Cite

Guerra, P., & Bennett, A. (2021). Punk Portugal, 1977–2012: A preliminary genealogy. Popular Music History, 13(3), 215–234. https://doi.org/10.1558/pomh.39660