Histories and complexities

Popular Music History Writing and Danish Rock


  • Morten Michelsen University of Copenhagen Author




Danish rock, popular music historiography


The article deals with the few existing contributions to popular music historiography and discusses ways to develop these on the basis of contemporary musicology and ethnomusicology. Michelsen calls for a deconstruction of culturally homogenizing notions of history by sketching out a theoretical framework for investigating the actual cultural complexity lying behind historical representations. A “complexification” (which includes working with several concepts of music, regarding music cultures as continuously floating, and with an eye for the constant othering processes taking place) is necessary in order to avoid the traditional traps and canonizations of history writing's teleological narratives. The last part of the article is a preliminary discussion of how the rock–pop split affected Danish rock culture, questioning whether the split articulated by a hegemonic rock discourse actually had much influence on musicians’ and audiences' daily music lives, and pointing to the complexity of actual lived music culture.

Author Biography

  • Morten Michelsen, University of Copenhagen

    Morten Michelsen (b. 1958) is Associate Professor in the Department of Musicology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. His PhD thesis concerned language and sound in the analysis of popular music and he is co-author of a book on the cultural field of rock criticism in England and the United States. Department of Musicology University of Copenhagen Klerkegade 2 DK-1308 Denmark [email protected]


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How to Cite

Michelsen, M. (2004). Histories and complexities: Popular Music History Writing and Danish Rock. Popular Music History, 1(1), 19-36. https://doi.org/10.1558/pomh.v1i1.19