Will you remember

Notes on Neil Roberts Day and sites of community memory in Aotearoa punk and hardcore


  • Lauren Deacon Massey University




Neil Roberts Day, punk community, lieux des memoires, generational consciousness, commemoration


The official histories have mostly paved over punk in Aotearoa/New Zealand, and in particular, Neil Roberts’s action against the Whanganui Computer Centre in 1982. However, Neil Roberts Day, a community-led day of celebration and remembrance, flies in the face of this generalized forgetting. In this short ‘Riff’, I will begin to explore Neil Roberts Day commemorations through Pierre Nora’s concept of generational consciousness and the lieux des memoires, or sites of memory, and what this might mean for the punk and hardcore communities in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Author Biography

  • Lauren Deacon, Massey University

    Lauren Deacon is an independent researcher with an interest in ephemera, diy media, digital platforms and analogue-to-digital subcultures. They are currently completing their Masters in Communication at Massey University, New Zealand.


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How to Cite

Deacon, L. (2023). Will you remember: Notes on Neil Roberts Day and sites of community memory in Aotearoa punk and hardcore. Perfect Beat, 22(1), 64–69. https://doi.org/10.1558/prbt.23752