Cultural protectionism in a deregulated and diversifying broadcasting environment

Getting more M?ori music on air


  • Jennifer Cattermole University of Otago



broadcasting policy, Maori, music


While radio broadcasting in post-colonial New Zealand has been dominated by P?keh?, M?ori have challenged their dominance of the nation’s airwaves in recent decades, having successfully carved out a space for themselves within the New Zealand mediascape. Nevertheless, getting more M?ori music (especially songs with te reo lyrics) on radio and other forms of broadcasting media remains a challenge—especially in the New Zealand commercial broadcasting sphere. This challenge has been addressed in various ways by the two organizations mandated to promote M?ori language and M?ori culture via broadcasting, Te M?ngai P?ho (TMP) and New Zealand On Air (NZOA). This article describes and evaluates their responses to calls for more M?ori music on air, and suggests further measures that could be implemented to increase the broadcasting of such music. It will also place TMP and NZOA’s strategies in the context of broader New Zealand cultural-political shifts, and changes in the New Zealand broadcasting environment. The article asks whether, or to what extent, cultural protectionism is needed in New Zealand’s current deregulated and diversifying broadcasting environment.

Author Biography

  • Jennifer Cattermole, University of Otago

    Jennifer Cattermole currently lectures in the Department of Music, University of Otago. Her research focuses on indigenous Oceanic musics, and issues relating to place and identity, politics and policy. She has previously researched Aotearoa/ New Zealand roots reggae and Fijian sigidrigi, and was recently employed as a research assistant for Shane Homan and Martin Cloonan, working on a project comparing and contrasting government interventions in the music industries of Australia, New Zealand and Scotland.


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How to Cite

Cattermole, J. (2015). Cultural protectionism in a deregulated and diversifying broadcasting environment: Getting more M?ori music on air. Perfect Beat, 15(1), 67-87.