The Concept of ‘Translation Equivalence’

A Systemic Functional Linguistics Perspective


  • Van Van Hoang VNU University of Languages and International Studies



Translation Equivalence (TE), Formal and Non-SFL Perspectives on TE, Systemic Functional Linguistic Perspective on TE, Source Language (SL), Target Language (TL)


This paper focuses on how Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) conceptualizes translation equivalence (TE) – a concept which seems to resist any satisfactory treatment. To provide background for the study, the paper first examines some widely known formal and non-systemic functional (non-SF) perspectives on TE. Then it presents the SFL perspective on TE, focusing in particular on the current SFL perspective on TE as expounded by Halliday (2001, 2017) and Matthiessen (2001). To demonstrate the ‘appliability’ (Halliday, 2017: 34) and relevance of SFL to TE studies and translation practice, a mini-case study is conducted in which, using the current SFL model as the theoretical framework, the paper analyzes, compares, and establishes equivalent as well as non-equivalent points between a source language text passage from ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ by the American Nobel Laureate in literature, Ernest Hemmingway, and its Vietnamese translated version from ‘Ông già và bien ca’ by Huy Phuong. The study shows that SFL is highly relevant for TE. It is an ‘extravagant’ (Halliday and Martin, 2005: 26), comprehensive, coherent, and multidimensional model of language which can open huge potential for researchers and translators to use it as a theoretical framework for TE studies and translation practice.

Author Biography

  • Van Van Hoang, VNU University of Languages and International Studies

    Hoang Van Van is currently professor in linguistics at VNU University of Languages and International Studies. He received his doctorate in linguistics from Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. He is well known for his research in the application of systemic functional theory to the description of Vietnamese and to the analysis of the translation process from English into Vietnamese. He is general editor and co author of the two national English textbook series for schools in Vietnam: the English textbook series for Vietnamese upper secondary schools and the 10-year English textbook series for Vietnamese schools under the Vietnamese Government’s National Foreign Languages Project. He has published 14 books and over 90 journal articles and book chapters in English and Vietnamese on functional linguistics, EFL curriculum design and textbook development, translation studies, and contrastive discourse analysis.


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How to Cite

Hoang, V. V. (2022). The Concept of ‘Translation Equivalence’: A Systemic Functional Linguistics Perspective. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 15(2), 213–257.