The Language and Identity of the German Minority in Poland According to a Language Biographical Study Conducted in Pomerania and Warmia-Masuria Regions


  • Barbara Alicja Jańczak Adam Mickiewicz University



language management, identity patterns of German-Polish bilinguals, German minority


This paper provides an insight to the language use and identity construction of the German minority inhabiting northern parts of Poland, studied through their language biographies. The border shift after World War II changed the lives of millions of people. For the Germans who decided or were forced to stay in Poland, it meant learning a new language and culture. This study examines the influence of language management on the language biographies and identity constructions of German minority members living in northern parts of Poland. This study uses the tools of discourse analysis and aims to answer the following questions: How did language management at the macro level (primarily the post-war language policy) influence the language biographies of the interviewees regarding their language use? How do the interviewees define their identity and what patterns do they use? The language use amongst the German minority varies greatly, ranging from speakers who are competently bilingual and still use both languages in everyday communication to people who have lost the ability to speak German. One of the factors that influenced this is language management at the macro level, especially the post-war language policy, which not only affected the linguistic situation of Germans in Poland but also contributed to the creation of three different identity patterns.

Author Biography

  • Barbara Alicja Jańczak, Adam Mickiewicz University

    Barbara Alicja Jańczak, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Applied Linguistics at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. She studied in Germany, France and Poland. She works in the field of sociolinguistics. Jańczak’s scientific interests involve multilingualism and language contact, bilingual language acquisition, border studies in multilingual context, bicultural and bilingual families and minority languages.


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How to Cite

Jańczak, B. A. (2022). The Language and Identity of the German Minority in Poland According to a Language Biographical Study Conducted in Pomerania and Warmia-Masuria Regions. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 15(2), 258–278.