A Contextual Investigation of Chinese Translations of Detective Stories – Mismatched Holmes


  • Yan Wang The Chinese University of Hong Kong




translation of detective stories, mismatch, contextual parameters


This study is carried out within the scope of the academic discipline of Translation Studies interfacing with Systemic Functional Linguistics. Different from comparative studies among different translations synchronically, this article adopts a diachronic perspective to compare two Chinese translations in the late nineteenth century and late twentieth century of Conan Doyle’s nine detective stories, with a view to identifying mismatches of verbal clauses in terms of three contextual parameters, i.e., field, tenor and mode. Drawing upon House’s scheme for translation quality assessment (1977; 1997) and the concept of instantiation in systemic functional linguistics, this article forms a model to investigate mismatches of verbal clauses in nine parallel texts and expand to the cline of subsystem based on the findings of the present corpus.

Author Biography

  • Yan Wang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Constance WANG Yan is Lecturer of The Chinese University of Hong Kong at KKB108, Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


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How to Cite

Wang, Y. (2020). A Contextual Investigation of Chinese Translations of Detective Stories – Mismatched Holmes. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 14(1-2), 123-150. https://doi.org/10.1558/lhs.34132