The Relationship Between Chinese Language Skills and Language Awareness


  • Pui Kwong Wong City University of Hong Kong



language awareness, language intuition, language skills, Chinese


The paper proposes an explanatory framework of language abilities which involves the relationship between Chinese language skills and language awareness. It also examines the differences between language awareness and yugan (??, language intuition), which is a commonly used term in China. The language intuition includes three abilities to: (1) judge whether a language unit is appropriate; (2) locate which part of a language unit is not appropriate; (3) correct the inappropriate part of a language unit. In addition to the three abilities, language awareness includes the fourth ability: (4) to give reasons for the corrections. There are no significant correlation coefficients between the fourth ability and the first three abilities, and four language skills; while there are close correlations coefficients between the three abilities. The findings offer an evidential basis for enhancing pedagogical procedures which improves language skills through upgrading language awareness.

Author Biography

  • Pui Kwong Wong, City University of Hong Kong

    Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Wong, P. K. (2011). The Relationship Between Chinese Language Skills and Language Awareness. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 4(3), 289-307.