Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in China – The Cases of South Asians and Ethnic Koreans


  • Fang Gao Faculty of Education Faculty of Education
  • Jae Park University of Hong Kong
  • W.W. Ki University of Hong Kong
  • Linda Tsung University of Sydney; University of Hong Kong




Chinese language, second language acquisition, context, policy and practice, multiculturalism


Participation in every aspect of mainstream society requires knowledge of local language. Non-Chinese ethnic groups in Mainland China and Hong Kong face a challenge of predominant Chinese medium of instruction in order to reach a level of Chinese language proficiency. The research is a comparison of Chinese language studies among ethnic Koreans in Mainland China and South Asians in Hong Kong. The comparative analysis goes through three aspects: sociocultural context factors, policies and practices of Chinese language education. Since education never exists in a social vacuum, we highlight the importance of the interplay between the educational policy, practice and wider political, socioeconomic, cultural, and ideological contexts. It is argued that the Hong Kong government and Chinese government have gone to great lengths to accommodate Chinese language, but there is still room to further inclusive educational policies about the acquisition of Chinese language if a world-class multilingualism/multiculturalism is sought.

Author Biographies

  • Fang Gao, Faculty of Education Faculty of Education

    Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong Lecturer and Post-doctoral fellow

  • Jae Park, University of Hong Kong

    Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong Lecturer and Post-doctoral fellow

  • W.W. Ki, University of Hong Kong

    Division of Science, Mathematics and Computing, University of Hong Kong. Associate Professor; Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong. Project Director, Supporting Secondary Schools in the Teaching and Learning of Chinese for Non-native Learners (2008-2011)

  • Linda Tsung, University of Sydney; University of Hong Kong

    Department of Chinese Studies Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong. Honorary Associate Professor and International Association of Bilingual Studies Vice President.


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How to Cite

Gao, F., Park, J., Ki, W., & Tsung, L. (2011). Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in China – The Cases of South Asians and Ethnic Koreans. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 4(3), 265-288. https://doi.org/10.1558/lhs.v4i3.265