Formalizing power in editorials in China Daily

A genre analysis


  • Liu Lihua University of International Business and Economics



appraisal, China Daily, editorials, generic structure, media


In recent years, with the development of her economy, the ways in which China presents herself positively to the outside world has been a major research focus of international communications studies in China. The present research contributes to this trend. Based on Martin’s theory of genre, this paper demonstrates how the institutional power of China Daily, the only national English newspaper in China, is reproduced through its generic structure in its editorials. The author shows that power is realized principally through five types of editorial, which can be generalized by the formula: entity (thing/event/people) followed by evaluation (negative/positive/calling-on). This relatively simple but stereotyped form of editorial genre corresponds to the authority of editorials and the institutional power of China Daily on the one hand; and on the other hand, it echoes the monoglossic voices in this kind discourse.

Author Biography

  • Liu Lihua, University of International Business and Economics

    Liu Lihua (male, 1972- ) is an associate professor at University of International Busienss and Ecnomics. He obtained his MA degree from Shandong University majoring in Discourse Analysis in 2004 and then proceeded to further research in this field at Tsinghua University, where he obtained his Ph D. in July 2007. Three years later then he finished his post-doctral programme at Beijing Foreign Stuidies University with Discourse and Communiation as his research field and “How China is represented in the New York Times” as his research project.


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How to Cite

Lihua, L. (2012). Formalizing power in editorials in China Daily: A genre analysis. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 5(2), 195-223.