Lying as metaphor in a bilingual phraseological corpus (German-Spanish)


  • Ana Mansilla Universidad de Murcia



discourse analysis, linguistics, bilingual phraseological corpus, onomasiological corpus-based cognitive study


The aim of this paper is the exploration of the conceptual metaphors that are activated in a set of German and Spanish phraseologisms covering concepts to do with lying, deceit and falsehood. The exploration is based on a bilingual onomasiological corpus that is part of the current research project FRASESPAL (‘The idiomatic structure of German and Spanish. An onomasiological corpus-based cognitive study’. Code HUM2007-62198/FILO). Theoretically rooted in the experientialist approach (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980) and using the phraseologisms from our own corpus as an empirical basis, the paper examines different metaphorical expressions and cognitive models for the images that underlie the conceptual fields of ‘lying’, ‘deceit’ and ‘falsehood’. Metaphor analysis is an extremely useful tool for revealing the way in which each linguistic community construes extralinguistic reality and for describing both the particularities of each language and the features common to them both, which may be systematized in ‘supranational’ metaphorical models.

Author Biography

  • Ana Mansilla, Universidad de Murcia

    Ana Mansilla is professor of German in the Department of Translation and Interpretation at the University of Murcia (Spain). She has been a member of the research project FRASESPAL, directed by Carmen Mellado of the University of Santiago de Compostela and is currently director of the research group FRASEMIA (Phraseology, Paremiology and Translation) at the University of Murcia. Her research focuses on contrastive phraseology (German-Spanish), cognitive linguistics applied to phraseology, teaching German as a second language and on German literature and music.


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How to Cite

Mansilla, A. (2012). Lying as metaphor in a bilingual phraseological corpus (German-Spanish). Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 6(1-3), 345-362.