Word order and information structure in English and Swedish


  • Jennifer Herriman University of Gothenburg




discourse analysis, information structure, word order


Both English and Swedish follow the principles of information and end-weight when ordering the elements of the clause and both languages have translationally equivalent means of re-ordering clause elements to follow these principles, i.e., fronting, postponement by extraposition, existential constructions and cleft sentences. This paper compares these word order changes in English and Swedish and shows that Swedish follows the principles of information and end-weight more strictly than English. This is supported by empirical evidence from comparisons of original texts in English and Swedish and their translations, and comparisons of writing in English by Swedish advanced learners and native speaker students, where an overuse of certain re-ordering reflects the transfer of a different usage in Swedish.

Author Biography

  • Jennifer Herriman, University of Gothenburg

    Jennifer Herriman is professor of English at Gothenburg University, Sweden. Her research is within the theory of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Her main areas of investigation are Swedish advanced learners' writing in English and contrastive studies of English and Swedish texts and their translations.


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Thematic Structure and Meaning

How to Cite

Herriman, J. (2012). Word order and information structure in English and Swedish. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 6(1-3), 129-149. https://doi.org/10.1558/lhs.v6i1-3.129