Engaging with and Arranging for Publics in Blog Genres


  • Kathryn Grafton University of British Columbia
  • Elizabeth Maurer University of British Columbia




Blog, Genre, Public, Self, Uptake


In this paper, we take a rhetorical approach to weblogs, examining two sets of blogs: blogs responding to a national literary event called Canada Reads and ‘homeless blogs.’ Taking up Miller and Shepherd’s proposal (2004) that the exigence of the blog is self cultivation and validation, we examine how such an exigence may be met, not through entering and building community, but engaging with and arranging for recognition in what Michael Warner calls ‘discursive publics’ (2002:121). By focusing on uptake (Freadman 2002) as a public dynamic, we suggest how features of the blog such as blog posts and ‘meta-generic’ commentary (Giltrow 2002:192) about antecedent genres may enable a blogger to legitimate the self as an integral part and perpetuator of publics: a blogger’s uptake both actualizes a public (declaring membership), and imagines it anew (envisioning subsequent uptakes).

Author Biographies

  • Kathryn Grafton, University of British Columbia

    Kathryn Grafton and Elizabeth Maurer are both PhD Candidates in the English Literature and Language department at the University of British Columbia, Canada. They are the co-authors of an earlier version of this paper, ‘Public Engagements and Public Arrangements of Blog Genres’ (2007). In their individual studies, Grafton examines the process of canonization (specifically, the canonization of contemporary Canadian literature) through the critical framework of uptake, situational rhetoric, and publics; Maurer examines the production of locality at work in the evolution of sociality and communicative competencies in online environments, drawing on theories of genre, politeness, self presentation, and linguistic pragmatics.

  • Elizabeth Maurer, University of British Columbia

    Kathryn Grafton and Elizabeth Maurer are both PhD Candidates in the English Literature and Language department at the University of British Columbia, Canada. They are the co-authors of an earlier version of this paper, ‘Public Engagements and Public Arrangements of Blog Genres’ (2007). In their individual studies, Grafton examines the process of canonization (specifically, the canonization of contemporary Canadian literature) through the critical framework of uptake, situational rhetoric, and publics; Maurer examines the production of locality at work in the evolution of sociality and communicative competencies in online environments, drawing on theories of genre, politeness, self presentation, and linguistic pragmatics.


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How to Cite

Grafton, K., & Maurer, E. (2008). Engaging with and Arranging for Publics in Blog Genres. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 3(1), 47-66. https://doi.org/10.1558/lhs.v3i1.47