The psychiatric interview

practice in/of the clinic


  • Tânia Conceição Pereira Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro/ Pontifícia Universidade Católica-Rio



Interactional Sociolinguistics, Psychiatric Interview, Frames


The objective of this article is to analyze a psychiatric interview, understood as a genre in the particular institutional context of psychiatry. The analysis uses a Sociolinguistic Interactional perspective (Gumperz, 1982; Tannen, 1984, 1989; Goffman, 1998; Ribeiro, 1994). The research is ethnographically based (Malinowski, 1976; Geertz, 1989), qualitative and interpretative (Gumperz, 1982; Erickson & Shultz, 1998). The interview was filmed in the Institute of Psychiatry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 2002. The results show that the doctor set four frames of interaction: i) opening frame, ii) exploratory frame, iii) co-construction of patient’s life experience frame, and iv) closing frame. In these frames, the relations of symetry/assymetry between the participants were analyzed through the discursive constructions used. The doctor used various alignments, among them that of attentive listener and collaborative speaker, which show him to be a participant that evaluates and has opinions. He also encouraged the construction of stories, which allowed the patient to talk about his life experiences and his illness.

Author Biography

  • Tânia Conceição Pereira, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro/ Pontifícia Universidade Católica-Rio

    Tania Conceição Pereira has a degree in Letters from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Language Studies from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica-Rio (PUC-Rio). Since 1993 she has taught Production and Analysis of Academic Text at PUC-Rio, and since 2001 she has been Adjunct Professor in Linguistics at the Teacher’s College at UERJ, lecturing in both the undergraduate and graduate programs. She has been a member of various examination boards such as the National Examination for Secondary Education (ENEM, 2005). Her research areas include discourse practices in institutional contexts, mainly the medical-psychiatric context. She is a member of the CNPq/PUC-Rio Research Group on Language, Culture and Work, headed by Prof. Maria das Graças Dias Pereira. She has been a presenter at a number of conferences in Brazil, among them ABRALIN in 2007. Work Address: Departamento de Letras da PUC-Rio. Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 - Gávea - CEP 22.453 – 900 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ.


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How to Cite

Pereira, T. C. (2008). The psychiatric interview: practice in/of the clinic. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 3(1), 25-46.