Exploring identity through Appraisal Analysis

A corpus annotation methodology


  • Michael O'Donnell Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




Appraisal Analysis, Identity, Corpus Analysis


This paper is concerned with how Appraisal Analysis (Martin and White, 2005) can be used to shed light on the identity that writers/speakers assume when they write/speak, and on the identity these text producers assign to the other voices that participate in the text. Further, we present a methodology of corpus annotation which best supports this approach to identity. The paper shows how Appraisal annotation can be used to reveal the social values held by a writer (and assigned to the other voices introduced into the text) and the affiliations of the writer.

Author Biography

  • Michael O'Donnell, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Mick O’Donnell is a lecturer in the Department of English Studies at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


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How to Cite

O'Donnell, M. (2014). Exploring identity through Appraisal Analysis: A corpus annotation methodology. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 9(1), 95-116. https://doi.org/10.1558/lhs.v9i1.95