What if the revolution never happened?

A thought experiment in linguistics and identity


  • Bob Hodge Institute for Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney, Australia




Identity, linguistic revolutions, thought-experiments, Chomsky, Halliday, Whorf


This article reports a thought-experiment in linguistics, and discusses implications for the scope and identity of linguistics today. It questions arguments that linguistics underwent a Kuhnian revolution around Chomsky's Syntactic Structures of 1957, and that his analysis of the sentence ‘colorless green ideas’ definitively created a split between grammar and semantics in linguistics. The thought-experiment asks: 'What if Whorf and Halliday’s work already published by 1956 were taken as paradigm-forming works that created identities in linguistics?' It argues that these works could have laid foundations for a more productive, inclusive linguistics, better able to analyse and negotiate identities.

Author Biography

  • Bob Hodge, Institute for Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney, Australia

    Research Professor, Institute for Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney


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How to Cite

Hodge, B. (2014). What if the revolution never happened? A thought experiment in linguistics and identity. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 9(1), 35-58. https://doi.org/10.1558/lhs.v9i1.35