The interpretation of plural definites in discourse

the case of spatial adpositions


  • Francesco-Alessio Ursini Stockholm Universitet and Macquarie University
  • Nobuagi Akagi Macquarie University



definites, adpositions, discourse analysis, lexical aspect, sentence processing


In this paper we offer a study on the interpretation of plural definites in discourse (‘the tank engines’) and their interaction with spatial adpositions (‘to’ and ‘at’). The novel empirical findings in the paper support the following assumptions on the contribution of spatial adpositions to the interpretation of plural definites. First, the interpretation of plural definites can be influenced by the lexical aspect type of adpositions. While ‘to’ as ‘telic’ predicate can license both a ‘collective’ and a ‘distributive’ reading for plural definites, ‘at’ as an ‘atelic’ predicate only licenses a ‘collective’ reading. Second, the precise lexical content of adpositions determines which interpretation is accessed. It is claimed that ‘at’ denotes a ‘general location’ relation between locatum and landmark object, and thus licenses a collective reading for plural definites.

Author Biographies

  • Francesco-Alessio Ursini, Stockholm Universitet and Macquarie University

    Francesco-Alessio (Fran) Ursini is currently a lecturer in Semantics and other linguistic subjects at the English department of Stockholm Universitet (Sweden). He holds an M.Phil. from Utrecht University and a Ph.D. in Cognitive Sciences, Linguistics track from Macquarie University. Francesco-Alessio’s interests lie in theoretical and experimental semantics, with a cross-linguistic focus on spatial adpositions and copular constructions.

  • Nobuagi Akagi, Macquarie University

    Nobuaki (Nobu) Akagi is a currently research assistant at Macquarie University's Centre for Cognition and its Disorders (CCD). He holds an MSc in Communication of Western Australia. Nobu’s interests also lie in theoretical and experimental semantics, with a focus on the interpretation of logical operators in Asian languages (Japanese, Mandarin), and spatial adpositions.


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How to Cite

Ursini, F.-A., & Akagi, N. (2014). The interpretation of plural definites in discourse: the case of spatial adpositions. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 9(2), 201-227.