Reading Mandela

Genre Pedagogy versus Ancient Rhetoric


  • Rob McCormack Victoria University



Rhetoric, SFL, Genre Theory, Epideictic Discourse, Mandela


This rhetorical contest was originally written and performed in 2002 to awaken adult literacy practitioners to the forgotten history of rhetorically-based language pedagogy, a pedagogy that still functions as the repressed unconscious of many modern approaches. Recently it has been re-staged at three linguistics conferences. The performance stages a mock court trial, a key rhetorical contest, in which two protagonists interpret a text by Nelson Mandela. One protagonist is leading contemporary linguist from the so-called 'Sydney School', Professor Jim Martin; the other is Quintilian, holder of the first Roman chair of Rhetoric. It is hoped that re-staging this contest at linguistics conferences may perhaps pique enough interest for linguists to re-examine this largely forgotten, but vibrant tradition of language study and pedagogy.

Author Biography

  • Rob McCormack, Victoria University

    Dr Rob McCormack is a Lecturer in Academic Support, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.


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Halliday, M. (1994) An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold.

Lausberg, H. (1998) Handbook of Literary Rhetoric: A Foundation for Literary Study (D. Orton and R. Anderson (eds)), Leiden: Brill.

Mandela, N. (1995) The Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela. London: Abacus.

Martin, J. R. (1992) English Text: System and Structure, Philadelphia, PA: Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.

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Olson, D. (1994) The World on Paper. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ong, W. (1982) Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. London: Methuen.

Perelman, C. (1982) The Realm of Rhetoric. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.

Quintilian (2001) The Orator’s Education (D. Russell (ed.)). Harvard, MA: Harvard University Press.

Skinner, Q. (1996) Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Toulmin, S. (1992) Cosmopolis: The Hidden Agenda of Modernity. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Olson, D. (1994) The World on Paper. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ong, W. (1982) Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. London: Methuen.

Perelman, C. (1982) The Realm of Rhetoric. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.

Quintilian (2001) The Orator’s Education (D. Russell (ed.)). Harvard, MA: Harvard University Press.

Skinner, Q. (1996) Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Toulmin, S. (1992) Cosmopolis: The Hidden Agenda of Modernity. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.






How to Cite

McCormack, R. (2014). Reading Mandela: Genre Pedagogy versus Ancient Rhetoric. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 9(2), 177-200.