Range characteristics in non-material clauses in Mandarin Chinese


  • Yang Guowen Chinese Academy of Social Sciences




construction, participant, process type, range, systemic functional grammar


Range described in this article is a generalized term for some non-inherent participants of processes defined within the theoretical framework of Systemic Functional Grammar. This article discusses the characteristics of Range in non-material clauses in Mandarin Chinese by comparing its grammatical behaviour with that of inherent participants of processes and that of its counterpart in English. Due to the lexical and grammatical differences between English and Chinese, circumstantial elements that are commonly realized by prepositional phrases in English are more likely to be realized by nouns or nominal groups in Chinese, functioning as the elements of Range. Range in different processes in Chinese generally make complementary specifications of those processes. Compared with inherent participants of processes, Range is much less likely to change its position in the clause. It has a lower possibility to follow the preposition b? ? in the b? ? construction and to be the thematic element in the bèi ? construction. Furthermore, the Range is less likely than the inherent participants to have thematic status in the complement-theme construction and to be marked focus in the contrastive-emphatic construction.

Author Biography

  • Yang Guowen, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

    YANG Guowen was born in Beijing (China), received a Bachelor of Engineering in computer science from Tsinghua University in Beijing, an MA in computational linguistics from the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, and a Ph.D. from the University of Bremen. She is a professor at the Institute of Linguistics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing.


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How to Cite

Guowen, Y. (2015). Range characteristics in non-material clauses in Mandarin Chinese. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 10(2), 83-102. https://doi.org/10.1558/lhs.v10i2.28555