Thomas Gough and Peter Harris, A New Dimension to Ancient Measures and John Hill, The Recumbent Stone Circles of Aberdeenshire: Archaeology, Design, Astronomy and Methods


  • Liz Henty University of Wales Trinity Saint David



Book Review


Thomas Gough and Peter Harris, A New Dimension to Ancient Measures
Elgin, Scotland: Moravian Digital Press, 2021. Paperback, 76 pp. illus. ISBN: 978-1-9196484-0-8. £15.


John Hill, The Recumbent Stone Circles of Aberdeenshire: Archaeology, Design, Astronomy and Methods
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021. Hardback, 212 pp. 53 b/w illus. ISBN: 1-5275-6585-8; ISBN13: 978-1-5275-6585-2. £61.99.


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Book Reviews

How to Cite

Henty, L. (2023). Thomas Gough and Peter Harris, A New Dimension to Ancient Measures and John Hill, The Recumbent Stone Circles of Aberdeenshire: Archaeology, Design, Astronomy and Methods. Journal of Skyscape Archaeology, 8(2), 302-308.