Efrosyni Boutsikas, Stephen C. McCluskey and John Steele (eds), Advancing Cultural Astronomy: Studies In Honour of Clive Ruggles


  • Liz Henty University of Wales Trinity Saint David




Advancing Cultural Astronomy, Studies In Honour of Clive Ruggles, Clive Ruggles, Cultural Astronomy


Efrosyni Boutsikas, Stephen C. McCluskey and John Steele (eds), Advancing Cultural Astronomy: Studies In Honour of Clive Ruggles Springer International Publishing, 2021. Hardback 319 pages, illustrated, ISBN: 978-3-030-64605-9. £109.99; eBook 978-3-030-64606-6. £87.50.


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Book Reviews

How to Cite

Henty, L. . (2022). Efrosyni Boutsikas, Stephen C. McCluskey and John Steele (eds), Advancing Cultural Astronomy: Studies In Honour of Clive Ruggles. Journal of Skyscape Archaeology, 7(2), 314-321. https://doi.org/10.1558/jsa.22281