“Astronomical Heritage: Progressing the UNESCO– IAU Initiative”
A Focus Meeting held at the 29th International Astronomical Union General Assembly, Honolulu, Hawai’i, 11th–13th August, 2015
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IDSA, 2015. “International Dark Sky Sanctuaries.” International Dark-Sky Association [online]. Accessed October 2015, http://darksky.org/idsp/sanctuaries/
PHA, 2015. “Astronomical Heritage: Progressing the UNESCO-IAU Initiative”. Portal to the Heritage of Astronomy [online]. Accessed October 2015, http://www2.astronomicalheritage.net/index.php/community/news-events/focus-meeting-at-iau-general-assembly.
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SKA, 2015. “Shared Sky – the SKA’s indigenous art/astronomy exhibit”. Square Kilometre Array [online]. Accessed October 2015, https://www.skatelescope.org/shared-sky/